Sporting Success at Stoke Prior Primary School 

Stoke Prior's Motto is "Successful and Proud" and this year the school has been proud of our success in a range of sporting events. In March the Hereford Times reported our incredible achievement of our team at Lucton Cross Country with two children finishing first and second. Since then the school football team have been runners up at the North Hereford Football Tournament missing out to Leominster on penalties in the final! The school also had a strong showing by winning the plate at the Luctonians Tag-Rugby festival. Both of our Cricket teams played in the county Cricket finals with our Year 4 team becoming county champions. At the recent School Games the school fielded 3 teams in Netball, Golf and Rugby Union with 62% of our KS2 children enjoying the day.  The school also held an Olympic themed sports day for all recently.  Due to the level of involvement and sporting excellence the school has recently been awarded the Platinum School Games award that recognises commitment to school sports both within school and at a county level.