Three Counties Academy Trust comprises the following Boards and Committees at their relevant levels.

Board of Members

Members meet annually to perform their duties and oversight of the Trust Board.

Minutes of Board of Members meetings are not published routinely.

Any enquiries about the work of the Board of Members should be addressed to the Governance Professional, Mrs L Bassett at

Our Members are listed on the Governing Board Members page here.

Board of Trustees

Trustees will meet at least four times a year and often more frequently. They are responsible for the strategic direction of the Trust, ensuring financial stability and for holding the Executive Leadership to account.

Additionally, our Board of Trustees attend twice annual Strategy Days to concentrate on the bigger decisions and forward planning the Trust must have in place.

The Board of Trustees elect a Chair each year, the current Chair of Trustees is Mr M Henderson. Additionally, the Board of Trustees elects two Vice Chairs of Trustees, this year these are Mr N Ferguson and Mr M Stubbs.

Minutes of Board of Trustees meetings can be obtained by contacting the Governance Professional, Mrs L Bassett at

Our Trustees are listed on the Governing Board Members page here.


Our Board of Trustees operates the following committees.

Finance and Audit Committee

The Finance and Audit Committee nominally meet at least six times annually. They are delegated to take the majority of financial decisions on behalf of the Trust Board.

The Finance and Audit Committee is chaired by Mr M Franklin with Vice Chair Mr M Stubbs. It is also attended by Mr M Henderson and Mr N Ferguson.

Minutes of Finance and Audit Committee meetings where information contained within is not considered privileged can be obtained by contacting the Governance Professional, Mrs L Bassett at

Local Governing Bodies

Three Counties Academy Trust has a Local Governing Body for secondary and two that cover our primary schools. The constitution of each Local Governing Body can be found on the respective school websites along with further information on the work of the Local Governing Body.

The Chairs of each Local Governing Body as well as their Vice Chairs are elected by those committees and not by the direction of the Board of Trustees.

Local Governing Bodies will meet at least four time per year and follow a programme of work as set out in the Trust Scheme of Delegation.

Minutes of Local Governing Body meetings for secondary can be obtained by contacting the Governance Professional, Mrs L Bassett at and for primary by contacting the Clerk Mrs E Hall at for Bredenbury and St. Peter’s schools, and Mrs A Dawson at for Stoke Prior school.