Three Counties Academy Trust comprises a Board of Members, a Board of Trustees and Local Governing Bodies. As a collective, these are referred to as the Governing Board.

Trust Board

Updated: 17/11/2022 188 KB
(Trustee) - Role: Chair of Governors, 18/09/23 - 17/09/24
Updated: 17/11/2022 175 KB
(Trustee) Role: Vice Chair and Local Governor, 19/11/20 - 18/11/24
Updated: 23/11/2022 193 KB
(Trustee) Role: Vice Chair, 29/04/22 - 28/04/26
Updated: 17/11/2022 167 KB
(Governance Professional) Role: Clerk to Governance Professional, 22/09/20 - N/A
Updated: 17/11/2022 179 KB
(Trustee Ex-Officio) Role: Head Teacher / Ex Off,
Updated: 30/06/2022 64 Bytes
(Trustee) Role: Trustee and chair of finance, 09/03/21 - 08/03/25
Updated: 17/11/2022 204 KB
(Trustee) Role: Trustee and safeguarding, 23/05/16 - 22/05/24
Updated: 17/11/2022 204 KB
(Member) Role: Member, 09/11/11 - N/A
Updated: 17/11/2022 181 KB
(Member) Role: Member, 09/03/21 - N/A
Updated: 28/11/2022 184 KB
(Member) Role: Member 10/10/2022 - N/A
Updated: 17/11/2022 195 KB
(Member) Role: Member, 09/03/21 - N/A


To review their Pecuniary Interests and attendance data, please locate the appropriate documents here.

Find out more about our Members and Trustees from their Pen Profiles located below.

Historical Governance



Appointed by 



Mrs Deb Berry 






Register of Attendance

Updated: 25/10/2023 13 KB